Of all the despicable things this far left lunatic of a mayor Richmond has elected to do, the cowardly Mayor Dwight Jonrs slaps the Richmond TEA Party with a spite audit simply because they called hizzhonor out on the differential treatment the TEA Party received verses the Occupy Richmond group.
Virginia Right! exposed nearly $7,000 that Jones has paid on behalf of his kindred spirits whom he allowed to occupr a downtown Richmond Park without permits. The same ones required for the one day TEA Party events. And for asking for equal treatment – and a refund – the TEA Party group must now be subjected to an audit.
Jones cowardly ran out of the City Council meeting a couple of weeks ago just as the public comment period began and members of Occupt Richmond and the Richmond TEA Party planned to address the mayor on his outrageous behavior and explain their request for the refund.
An Audit? Really?
Exactly what does the mayor think the TEA Party is doing with the money it raises selling TEA Party shirts and flags? Enriching themselves?
They must raise money, in large part, to fund the exorbitant charges that this left wing kook conjures up for the TEA Party events.
$10,000 so far.
It may be time for the Richmond TEA Party to consider moving from the city. As a matter of fact, with this shameful behavior, other businesses might want to consider one of the counties around the city. (I would suggest Hanover, we’re very business friendly no matter your political leanings.)
Or better yet, a recall election might be in order. I would suggest setting up a booth at the next TEA Party event to collect signatures.
But it would appear that the mayor has made Richmond the laughing stock of the country. The website Big Government – which is an Andrew Breitbart creation – picked up the story and it is currently linked on The Drudge Report. Top billing.
Other news outlets are working on this and the internet is already buzzing with this unfair and highly partisan attack on the Richmond TEA Party – the one group who has always obeyed the law!
This latest escalation by Dwight Jones is absolute proof that this man is unfit to run a Chevy Volt – let alone a city. And he is truly one of the top reasons that the City of Richmond is headed to the top of the list of Third World cities, unfit for human habitation.
This spite audit is nothing short of political harassment – if not outright persecution.
But what would you expect from a mayor that cannot even provide the leadership necessary to build a new jail?
The fall and decline of Richmond is complete.
Below is a copy of the letter. Click to enlarge.
Article written by: Tom White
About Tom White
Tom is a US Navy Veteran, owns an Insurance Agency and is currently an IT Manager for a Virginia Distributor. He has been published in American Thinker, currently writes for the Richmond Examiner as well as Virginia Right! Blog. Tom lives in Hanover County, Va and is involved in politics at every level and is a Recovering Republican who has finally had enough of the War on Conservatives in progress with the Leadership of the GOP on a National Level.
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